Observation: Reynolds Peak

05-13-2024 | Salt Lake

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  "observationContent": {
    "contentAsHtml": "\n                        \n<!-- See https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/modules%21field%21theme%21field.tpl.php/7.x -->\n      <div class=\"field-label text_02 bold mb0\">Observation Date</div>\n        <div class=\"text_02 mb2\"><span class=\"date-display-single\">5/13/2024</span></div>\n  <!-- See https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/modules%21field%21theme%21field.tpl.php/7.x -->\n      <div class=\"field-label text_02 bold mb0\">Observer Name</div>\n        <div class=\"text_02 mb2\">Michael Boman</div>\n  <!-- field-region-forecaster -->\n      <div class=\"field-label text_02 bold mb0\">Region</div>\n        <div class=\"text_02 mb2\">Salt Lake » Big Cottonwood Canyon » Mill D North » Butler Fork » Reynolds Peak</div>\n  <!-- See https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/modules%21field%21theme%21field.tpl.php/7.x -->\n      <div class=\"field-label text_02 bold mb0\">Location Name or Route</div>\n        <div class=\"text_02 mb2\">Mill D North - Reynolds Peak </div>\n  <fieldset class=\" group-red-flags field-group-fieldset form-wrapper\"><legend><span class=\"fieldset-legend\">Red Flags</span></legend><div class=\"fieldset-wrapper\"><!-- See https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/modules%21field%21theme%21field.tpl.php/7.x -->\n      <div class=\"field-label text_02 bold mb0\">Red Flags</div>\n        <div class=\"text_02 mb2\">Recent Avalanches</div>\n      <div class=\"text_02 mb2\">Rapid Warming</div>\n      <div class=\"text_02 mb2\">Poor Snowpack Structure</div>\n  </div></fieldset>\n<!-- See https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/modules%21field%21theme%21field.tpl.php/7.x -->\n      <div class=\"field-label text_02 bold mb0\">Comments</div>\n        <div class=\"text_02 mb2\"><div>I hiked with spikes and summited Reynolds. The trail was mostly melted out until where it intersects with the trail up from The Spruces. There was a couple feet or more of snow from there up to Dog Lake and of course Reynolds Peak. \n </div>\n\n<div>Other than the usual monster cornices and a smallish slide off of east Reynolds, I saw no immediate avy concerns on the Reynolds Peak trail. The route was solid and I broke trail once above Dog Lake. That said, caution on all aspects is warranted especially on the ridge below Reynolds up to the Peak itself. Particularly below or around the usual large cornices. \n </div>\n\n<div>I observed a number of glide avalanches on Broads, especially in the Diving Board and Blue Ice routes. That route has yet to run super large and will likely do so soon. \n </div>\n\n<div>Raymond had a number of wet release or glide avalanches as well. There was a avalanche visible on Kessler and limited action on Gobblers. \n </div>\n\n<div>I could also see what appeared to be several ski tracks on Tom's. \n </div>\n\n<div>There were two thunderstorms that rolled through while I was hiking. Allot of lightning accompanied one I encountered about one mile in. Steady rain and some wet snow occurred the last mile before I hit the TH on my trip out after dark. \n </div></div>\n  <!-- See https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/modules%21field%21theme%21field.tpl.php/7.x -->\n        <div class=\"text_02 mb2\"><img src=\"https://utahavalanchecenter.org/sites/default/files/styles/observation_image/public/images/observations/2023-24/5F5AECC2-5358-490A-954F-4B7FA0CE4093.jpeg?itok=_sWXOl2o\" alt=\"\"></div>\n      <div class=\"text_02 mb2\"><img src=\"https://utahavalanchecenter.org/sites/default/files/styles/observation_image/public/images/observations/2023-24/B98792C3-2ED5-4EE5-9F96-ECD3AA1CF58D.jpeg?itok=o5MYPPiD\" alt=\"\"></div>\n      <div class=\"text_02 mb2\"><img src=\"https://utahavalanchecenter.org/sites/default/files/styles/observation_image/public/images/observations/2023-24/1552D82B-EF4A-489C-AF7B-1FD5DCA2B7FB.jpeg?itok=wlcbZCb9\" alt=\"\"></div>\n      <div class=\"text_02 mb2\"><img src=\"https://utahavalanchecenter.org/sites/default/files/styles/observation_image/public/images/observations/2023-24/CAB0FD76-0D33-485B-B3C6-DC92E6108A71.jpeg?itok=bQUVc4vz\" alt=\"\"></div>\n      <div class=\"text_02 mb2\"><img src=\"https://utahavalanchecenter.org/sites/default/files/styles/observation_image/public/images/observations/2023-24/B957DAC8-E006-446A-B6C9-C44B63D1A95F.jpeg?itok=8Sxe3qZS\" alt=\"\"></div>\n      <div class=\"text_02 mb2\"><img src=\"https://utahavalanchecenter.org/sites/default/files/styles/observation_image/public/images/observations/2023-24/80CF7070-235A-42D7-B314-302906FCFA35.jpeg?itok=q4h8jjlU\" alt=\"\"></div>\n  <!-- See https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/modules%21field%21theme%21field.tpl.php/7.x -->\n      <div class=\"field-label text_02 bold mb0\">Today's Observed Danger Rating</div>\n        <div class=\"text_02 mb2\">Low</div>\n  <!-- See https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/modules%21field%21theme%21field.tpl.php/7.x -->\n      <div class=\"field-label text_02 bold mb0\">Tomorrows Estimated Danger Rating</div>\n        <div class=\"text_02 mb2\">Moderate</div>\n  <!-- See https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/modules%21field%21theme%21field.tpl.php/7.x -->\n\n        <!-- Ad underneath the left navigation desktop, this mobile web markup duplicates this where it should go -->\n                ",
    "contentAsText": "Observation Date\n5/13/2024\nObserver Name\nMichael Boman\nRegion\nSalt Lake » Big Cottonwood Canyon » Mill D North » Butler Fork » Reynolds Peak\nLocation Name or Route\nMill D North - Reynolds Peak\nRed Flags\nRed Flags\nRecent Avalanches\nRapid Warming\nPoor Snowpack Structure\nComments\nI hiked with spikes and summited Reynolds. The trail was mostly melted out until where it intersects with the trail up from The Spruces. There was a couple feet or more of snow from there up to Dog Lake and of course Reynolds Peak.\nOther than the usual monster cornices and a smallish slide off of east Reynolds, I saw no immediate avy concerns on the Reynolds Peak trail. The route was solid and I broke trail once above Dog Lake. That said, caution on all aspects is warranted especially on the ridge below Reynolds up to the Peak itself. Particularly below or around the usual large cornices.\nI observed a number of glide avalanches on Broads, especially in the Diving Board and Blue Ice routes. That route has yet to run super large and will likely do so soon.\nRaymond had a number of wet release or glide avalanches as well. There was a avalanche visible on Kessler and limited action on Gobblers.\nI could also see what appeared to be several ski tracks on Tom's.\nThere were two thunderstorms that rolled through while I was hiking. Allot of lightning accompanied one I encountered about one mile in. Steady rain and some wet snow occurred the last mile before I hit the TH on my trip out after dark.\nToday's Observed Danger Rating\nLow\nTomorrows Estimated Danger Rating\nModerate",
    "title": "Observation: Reynolds Peak"
  "observer": "Michael Boman",
  "region": "Salt Lake"