Observation: Baldy

05-21-2024 | Salt Lake

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  "observationContent": {
    "contentAsHtml": "\n                        \n<!-- See https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/modules%21field%21theme%21field.tpl.php/7.x -->\n      <div class=\"field-label text_02 bold mb0\">Observation Date</div>\n        <div class=\"text_02 mb2\"><span class=\"date-display-single\">5/21/2024</span></div>\n  <!-- field-region-forecaster -->\n      <div class=\"field-label text_02 bold mb0\">Region</div>\n        <div class=\"text_02 mb2\">Salt Lake » Little Cottonwood Canyon » Alta Ski Area » Baldy</div>\n  <!-- See https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/modules%21field%21theme%21field.tpl.php/7.x -->\n      <div class=\"field-label text_02 bold mb0\">Location Name or Route</div>\n        <div class=\"text_02 mb2\">Baldy (Alta)</div>\n  <fieldset class=\" group-red-flags field-group-fieldset form-wrapper\"><legend><span class=\"fieldset-legend\">Red Flags</span></legend><div class=\"fieldset-wrapper\"><!-- See https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/modules%21field%21theme%21field.tpl.php/7.x -->\n      <div class=\"field-label text_02 bold mb0\">Red Flags</div>\n        <div class=\"text_02 mb2\">Wind Loading</div>\n  </div></fieldset>\n<!-- See https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/modules%21field%21theme%21field.tpl.php/7.x -->\n      <div class=\"field-label text_02 bold mb0\">Comments</div>\n        <div class=\"text_02 mb2\"><div>Only 1-2\" of snow accumulation from 5/20 snowfall. Clear signs of high winds on the shoulder with sustrugi and ripple waves on snow surface. Did not observe any propogating cracking, but cracking underfoot in wind blown areas. Snow was blocky/slabby (but not collapsing or propagating; shallow new snow), and observed rounded little wind slabs. Weird quality snow but skied well in areas that were frozen smooth underneath. A bit of sluff on way down, but not enough to cause problems where i skied (it might in a chute or more entrainable area). </div></div>\n  <!-- See https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/modules%21field%21theme%21field.tpl.php/7.x -->\n        <div class=\"text_02 mb2\"><img src=\"https://utahavalanchecenter.org/sites/default/files/styles/observation_image/public/images/observations/2023-24/IMG_4140.jpeg?itok=yr8Az8ah\" alt=\"\"></div>\n  <!-- See https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/modules%21field%21theme%21field.tpl.php/7.x -->\n      <div class=\"field-label text_02 bold mb0\">Today's Observed Danger Rating</div>\n        <div class=\"text_02 mb2\">Moderate</div>\n  <!-- See https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/modules%21field%21theme%21field.tpl.php/7.x -->\n      <div class=\"field-label text_02 bold mb0\">Tomorrows Estimated Danger Rating</div>\n        <div class=\"text_02 mb2\">Moderate</div>\n  <!-- See https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/modules%21field%21theme%21field.tpl.php/7.x -->\n      <div class=\"field-label text_02 bold mb0\">Coordinates</div>\n        <div class=\"text_02 mb2\"><div style=\"width:auto;height:400px;\" id=\"openlayers-container-openlayers-map\" class=\"contextual-links-region openlayers-container openlayers-container-map-geofield-formatter-map\">\n    <div style=\"width:auto;height:400px;\" id=\"openlayers-map\" class=\"openlayers-map openlayers-map-geofield-formatter-map\"></div>\n</div>\n</div>\n  \n        <!-- Ad underneath the left navigation desktop, this mobile web markup duplicates this where it should go -->\n                ",
    "contentAsText": "Observation Date\n5/21/2024\nRegion\nSalt Lake » Little Cottonwood Canyon » Alta Ski Area » Baldy\nLocation Name or Route\nBaldy (Alta)\nRed Flags\nRed Flags\nWind Loading\nComments\nOnly 1-2\" of snow accumulation from 5/20 snowfall. Clear signs of high winds on the shoulder with sustrugi and ripple waves on snow surface. Did not observe any propogating cracking, but cracking underfoot in wind blown areas. Snow was blocky/slabby (but not collapsing or propagating; shallow new snow), and observed rounded little wind slabs. Weird quality snow but skied well in areas that were frozen smooth underneath. A bit of sluff on way down, but not enough to cause problems where i skied (it might in a chute or more entrainable area).\nToday's Observed Danger Rating\nModerate\nTomorrows Estimated Danger Rating\nModerate\nCoordinates",
    "title": "Observation: Baldy"
  "observer": "",
  "region": "Salt Lake"